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Two False Assumptions
Theme of the Week: Renovate Your Romance
Andy Stanley & Rick Warren: Compare and Despair
In a culture full of celebrity pastors, it is easy to compare yourself to others, but Rick Warren says it's a terrible mistake.
Andy Stanley: Great Leaders Aren't Great at Everything
Andy Stanley discusses how our fully developed strengths are more valuable to our churches and organizations than our marginally improved weaknesses.
Financial Fears
Theme of the Week: Invest in Eternity
Andy Stanley: System Failure
What causes people to change? What creates behavior? It may not be what you think.
When Curt Broke
Contagious Faith
Andy Stanley: Leading amid Uncertainty
"As a leader it's okay to be uncertain; it's not okay to be unclear."
Sermon Workshop: Power in the Punch Line
How distilling your messages makes them more potent.
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